Donating to the Medical Center

In order to maintain our level of excellence we need your help, in the form of donations. We offer a variety of ways to donate, so that you may support the field that interests you.


Advanced Medical Services at Hillel Yaffe


The Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is a regional center that offers outstanding, comprehensive medical services for a very wide array of issues in many different areas of medicine. Hillel Yaffe places great emphasis on quality of care and its relations with patients and their families.


Our unique 515-bed facility is a microcosm of our country and its diverse and colorful population. Medical staff and patients all reflect the various ethnic and cultural groups living in this part of Israel. The hospital serves a population of about 500,000, which is expected to grow to 1,000,000 by 2040. T


he Hillel Yaffe Medical Center leads the country in the field of emergency organization and preparation and its regional trauma center is highly regarded both within the country and world-wide.


People for people


Many people, from Israel and other countries, have expressed their support for the hospital in times of need. Numerous groups from communities around the world visit the hospital with the intention of reaching out to patients, their families, and the medical staff. Such forms of encouragement give us the strength to go on. It is thanks to them that we continue to move forward.


We need your help to continue at the same level of excellence. The hospital has many needs, and in light of the recent growth in the local population and rapid advancements in health technology, we are faced with ongoing challenges in growth, development, promotion, procurement and renovation.


We invite you, who hold health and community support dear to your heart, to join the ranks of our friends and help us to promote the Medical Center. We offer a variety of ways to donate, so that each of you may support the specific field that interests you. We need help with building and renovation, purchasing essential medical equipment, and more.


Contact Us


The Medical Research Foundation for infrastructure development and health services affiliated with the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center is a nonprofit organization.


It is a registered NGO, possessing all necessary documentation required by law. Your donations are tax deductible, according to Section 46 A.


For donations- please complete the Donation Form.


For more information please contact:


Michal Manhaimer, Resource & Development Director

Email: [email protected]


Dikla Rosenfeld, Resource and Development Assistant

Tel: +972 52 6157221, +972 4 7748317

Email: [email protected] 


Address: Medical Research Fund (Registered NGO) Hillel Jaffe Medical Center PO Box 169 Hadera 38100

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