A new special service: close medical monitoring following surgery

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center has launched a special project that enables close guidance and monitoring of patients who have undergone surgical procedures. The goal is to monitor them even during the recovery period using an app and daily monitoring of their vital signs until they come in to the clinic for follow-up

In recent months, the Surgical Division at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center has implemented a special service that enables remote monitoring of patients who have undergone surgery, regardless of whether they were emergency or elective procedures.


From the time they are discharged and until they come in for their follow-up appointment at the clinic, which is generally about one month after surgery, the physicians monitor their vitals using a remote monitoring app. The patients are loaned a monitoring device that includes a sphygmomanometer, pulse oximeter and thermometer. They enter the results of these measurements into the special app on their phone, and the doctors monitor the data daily. At the same time, the patients may correspond with the medical staff to ask questions and get advice.


Dr. Nimrod Aviran while remotely monitoring a postoperative patient at Hillel Yaffe


The Hillel Yaffe Emergency Surgery Service Director, Dr. Nimrod Aviran, who is in charge of the project, stated, “The main idea is to put the patient at the center and monitor them even after surgery. Treatment doesn't end when the patient is discharged home. Until they come in for follow-up, we initiate conversations and monitor their vitals to ensure that they are not experiencing any postoperative complications. If we notice abnormal vitals, we call them in early to the clinic. This service prevents recurrent admissions to the hospital and visits to the emergency room. It also provides the patient with personal guidance, a sense of security and someone to contact if there's a need.”

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