Medical Inclusiveness at HYMC

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center has recently started work on a prayer room in the out-patient complex designed especially for Muslim patients and visitors

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center management decided several years ago to establish the prayer room in response to requests from observant Muslim patients and visitors. 

Prof. Meir Oren, Director General of the Medical Center, said, "Because we respect people of all faiths who pass through our doors, we decided to agree to the request. However, overcrowding and lack of space, as well as lack of funding, meant a delay in the implementation of our decision. We have now found a location for this type of prayer room and construction began a month ago. The room is positioned in the out-patient complex and it will provide comfortable and pleasant surroundings for patients and visitors who want to pray on hospital premises."

Funding for the prayer room was provided by several donors from the Arab sector who are supporters of the medical center and have donated funds in the past to facilitate the purchase of medical equipment and hospital beds. 

On completion of the prayer room, the medical center will join other medical centers – both large and small – as well as the Knesset and other public buildings in Israel where Muslim prayer rooms have existed for years.




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