The Plastic Surgery Department


Department Director: Dr. Yoram Wolf, specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.


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Senior Physicians:

Dr. Rotem Tsur – specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery – Director of the Breast Reconstruction Service

Dr. Ofer Arnon – specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery – Director of the Mohs Surgery Service

Dr. Patrick Ben Meir – specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. Ron Tenzer – specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. Yitzhak (Itzik) Lippin – specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery



Dr. Shmuel Kwartin – resident in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery



Ms. Natalie Shevatzov


Department Secretary:

Ms. Adi Fried

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The Plastic Surgery Unit focuses on restorative operations of complex wounds after trauma, removal of tumors from the skin and treatment of chronic ulcers using novel technologies. The unit works together with the Heart Institute to offer a unique treatment for contaminated pacemakers, which allows the pacemakers to be kept and makes it unnecessary to remove them. The unit also performs breast reconstruction surgery using various techniques, oculoplastic surgery (restorative surgery of the eyelids) and a wide variety of other plastic surgeries.


Restorative surgery

The unit treats complex wounds with advanced techniques that combine regulated, oxygen-enriched negative pressure-assisted wound therapy with a unique skin stretching system. The tension relief system (TRS) allows skin to be stretched prior to, during and after surgery (using an external tensioner), allowing large, complex wounds to close without the need for skin grafting, use of flaps or skin tensioners. This method allows for wounds to be closed with relatively simple surgery and in short timeframes, while reducing the length of hospital stays. Many cases of missing tissue after excising growths are currently amenable to relatively simple closing using the TRS, without the need for skin grafts or flaps. Complex wounds are treated using a combination of oxygen-enriched negative pressure and a skin tensioning system, which provides for optimal treatment of complex wounds, extensive deficits of soft tissue and severe infections of soft tissues.


Treatment of contaminated pacemakers

For about seven years, the unit has worked closely with the Heart Institute to offer a unique, novel treatment designed to preserve contaminated pacemakers. The standard treatment for contaminated pacemakers is to remove and replace them, as standard antibiotic therapy is ineffective. The innovative treatment is performed by exposing the contaminated pacemaker to very high concentrations of antibiotics, which are administered locally, into the pacemaker cavity. The treatment has high success rates, and the local surgical treatment is relatively simple. The treatment is particularly beneficial in patients who are at high surgical risk and for whom removing the pacemaker poses a major hazard. The success of the treatment prevents the need for surgery, which may be complex and dangerous. If the treatment is unsuccessful, the standard treatment of removing the pacemaker may still be provided.

Note that this treatment is only suitable for patients with infections that do not exceed the pacemaker cavity.


Breast reconstructions

The Plastic Surgery Unit performs a wide range of breast reconstructions following mastectomy. Immediate breast reconstruction using autologous tissues (skin-muscle flap from the abdomen) was first performed in Israel at Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, in 1993.

The reconstructions are performed using two main methods:

Breast reconstruction using autologous tissues – skin-muscle flap. This method greatly reduces the trauma related to breast loss.


Breast reconstruction using a range of prostheses. The reconstructions are performed using various surgical techniques that are tailored to the needs and preferences of the patients.


Eyelid operations

The unit conducts reparative and restorative eyelid surgeries – oculoplastic surgeries, which include surgery to repair ptosis, eyelid reconstruction, repair of complex damage, surgery on the lacrimal ducts and more.


Mohs surgery for removing malignant facial tumors

The unit performs Mohs surgery intended primarily to remove Basic Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) malignant facial tumors. The techniques focus on places which are important to restore (eyelids, nose, lips, outer ears, etc.) and enables minimal excision of healthy tissue around the tumor and a more precise and aesthetic result. The method is carried out together with an immediate examination of the tissue by a pathologist, enabling rapid answers regarding the type of tumor. The procedure itself is quick, and the patient is released on the same day if everything is as it should.

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Number of Beds:

4 (In Orthopedics B)


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[email protected]

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