MRI at Hillel Yaffe: The shortest wait in Israel!


In December 2014, a new MRI Unit was opened as part of Hillel Yaffe's Imaging Institute. The Unit offers residents of the area the entire range of MRI scans, with a very short wait for appointments.


An MRI is a powerful magnetic resonance imaging device used to conduct a noninvasive scan and imaging of the internal anatomy without the use of X-rays (ionizing radiation). The advantage of MRI, aside from not emitting ionizing radiation, is in its ability to delineate soft tissues without damaging other tissues. Additionally, this method of imaging enables scans of the body at various angles, without the patient having to change position.


The MRI at Hillel Yaffe is an advanced Philips Ingenia. Its large aperture (70 cm) helps accommodate patients and reduces anxiety. It is more comfortable and offers a technological advantage that enables tests to be run with minimum movement of the patient.


To schedule an appointment for the MRI service, please call 04-7748419.


Receipt of the service is contingent upon a referring from the attending physician and a letter of financial undertaking from your medical insurer.

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