Internal Medicine A


Department Director: Dr. Marinella Beckerman

Head Nurse: Ms. Vlada Dubichek 


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Senior Physicians:

Dr. Michael Kuchuk - Specialist in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases, Director of Pulmonary Unit, Director of Pulmonary Clinic and Lung Function Clinic.

Dr. Farid Masarwa - Obesity Service and Preventive Medicine Director.

Dr. Linor Ishay - Internal Medicine Specialist.



Dr. Smadar Peled 

Dr. Yinon Dimri

Dr. Mahmoud Kabha

Dr. Hananel Melchior

Dr. Amar Abulafia

Dr. Shadi Kaadan

Dr. Rami Abu Salem

Dr. Tarwat Agabriya

Dr. Rida Zahalka

Dr. Bar Ehrenberg

Dr. Nada Mahmid



Ms. Ronit Sade

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Useful information

Number of Beds: 36



Main Building, Second Floor


Telephone Numbers:

Department Director and Deputy Director – 04-7744527

Department Secretary – 04-7744524

Residents Office – 04-7744525

Nurses Station – 04-7744520/1

Head Nurse – 04-7744522


Fax: 04-7744525



[email protected]


Consult with a Senior Physician / Department Director:

A consult with the Department Director and senior physicians in the department must be scheduled through Department Secretary, Ronit Sade, at 04-7744524, or through Head Nurse Vlada Dubichek.

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The Internal Medicine A Department treats a wide range of chronic diseases, particularly pulmonary diseases and diseases that involve respiration muscles and liver diseases. In addition, the Department treats patients suffering from CVA, heart disease, pulmonary edema or pulmonary embolism, severe metabolic conditions or patients who require a medical ventilator.


The Department performs a range of procedures, including needle liver biopsy, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, pulmonary punctions, pulmonary function, etc.


The Department operates a general clinic and a chronic liver disease clinic that manages an extensive research program on lung and liver issues.


The Pulmonary Clinic


The Pulmonary Clinic offers consultations, clarification, and follow-up for people referred for pulmonary testing by primary care doctors, or by the hospital departments after release from hospitalization.


The clinic is directed by Dr. Michael Kuchuk.


For more information about the clinic click here >>  



Lung Function Clinic (Spirometry)

Lung function testing is used to diagnose pulmonary and other diseases that lead to difficulty breathing and follow-up of existing diseases to determine the effectiveness of treatment. The clinic is intended for patients who suffer from significant difficulty breathing, asthma, COPD and various chronic pulmonary diseases, patients who have lung damage due to exposure to hazardous materials or prolonged illnesses (such as COVID-19), as a test for patients using regular medication (inhalers), and more.


For more information about the clinic, click here >>



The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Workshop


The workshop, which is run under the managerial responsibility of Internal Medicine A, the Physical Therapy Service, and the out-patient clinics’ nursing staff, is intended for chronic lung disease patients whose physicians have recommended they undergo a rehabilitation process to improve their condition. The purpose of rehabilitation is to reduce the symptoms, improve physical strength and ability to participate in day-to-day activities, which improves quality of life. This is done through physical training, nutritional consulting, teaching patients about their disease, learning how to reduce shortness of breath and more.


For more information click here >>

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Academic and Research Activities

The Department has published over 50 scientific articles in medical literature over the past eight years.
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