Newborn Department


Department Director: Dr. Amit Hochberg

Head Nurse: Ms. Yaffa Fahima

Deputy Head Nurse: Ms. Bella Hiyaev

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Senior Physicians:

Dr. Erez Nadir

Dr. Sylvia Foldi

Dr. Rana Mahajana



Ms. Hagit Shem Tov

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The Newborn Unit can take in and care for any infant born at the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center. Immediately after the birth, the new mother can choose how the baby is cared for in the department: zero separation, full rooming-in, or partial rooming-in. The choice is flexible and can be changed in line with the new mother’s wishes and state of health. The staff of the Newborn Unit believes that it is best for both mother and infant when they stay together in the Maternity Ward, with zero separation. The advantages: strengthening the mother-baby relationship, breastfeeding, immediate response to the newborn’s needs, gaining experience of caring for the infant, strengthening the newborn’s immune system, etc. There are situations in which zero separation is subject to medical considerations, such as a newborn with a low body temperature or low sugar.


In the Delivery Room you will meet a nurse from the Newborn Unit who will perform a nursing admission and provide the initial treatment which the baby requires. The infant will be bathed later on. Likewise, you will be given an explanation on the anticipated hospitalization process. Hospitalization is usually between 36-48 hours, and is dependent on the medical condition of both mother and baby.


Initial treatment for the newborn includes (in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines):

  • Vaccination for Hepatitis B 
  • Vitamin K injection to improve blood clotting 
  • Antibiotic eye cream to prevent infection

If you are not interested in some or all of these treatments – please let the nurses in the Delivery Room know.


During his or her hospitalization, your baby will be given an initial examination by a neonatologist.


Guidance, help, and advice


The nurses will guide the new mother regarding initial care of the infant and breastfeeding. The guidance is given individually to each new mother. in addition, we have a breastfeeding consultation service with qualified lactation consultants. The service operates daily and provides help for issues linked to breastfeeding.


Hours of operation


The Newborn Unit is open to parents 24 hours a day. Entry to the department is supervised to provide security to the newborns.


Newborn jaundice


Newborn jaundice is common in infants. It appears in almost 50% of infants during their first days of life. Essentially, it is not a disease, but rather a physiological phenomenon. Should the jaundice level be high, light therapy (phototherapy) will be considered.


If the infant’s condition allows and the mother wishes, the therapy can be provided next to her bed in the Maternity Ward. Should the newborn require additional medical supervision, someone can stay at his or her side in the Newborn Unit in a place specifically designated for this purpose.


Discharge process


Newborns are discharged by a nurse from the unit, after examination by a neonatologist and the completion of the entire discharge process, which includes individual guidance and demonstration. Discharge begins at 11:00 a.m.


The neonatologist’s examination takes place in your presence and you will be able to consult with them regarding any questions you have concerning caring for the baby. When needed, the doctor will refer you for follow-up or treatment in the community clinics.


The process includes:

  • Registration of the infant in the Ministry of Interior (report of the birth to the National Insurance Institute). The registration takes place in the discharge room in the Maternity Ward (opposite rooms 13-14), between 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Please bring your identity card, including the appendix. 
  • Registration for the well-baby clinic takes place in the room in the Maternity Ward (opposite rooms 13-14), between 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • The neonatologist’s examination takes place together with the parents from 10 a.m. (after the infant has been routinely cared for in the morning by the nurse from the Newborn Unit). 
  • The newborn hearing screening test is carried out in the Newborn Unit. 
  • The congenital malformations screening test (PKU) is performed at the age of 36 hours. 
  • Guidance by the newborn nurse who will also help you dress the baby and position him or her correctly in the car safety seat. Please bring a car safety seat to the hospital, for a safe journey home.
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Useful information

Number of beds: 45


Location: Maternity Division


Telephone: 04-7744346


Email: [email protected]


Office hours for senior physician/ department director: The Unit staff are available for the new mother and her family 24 hours a day, and listen and offer solutions to the needs and questions arising during hospitalization.

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