Center for Treatment of Male and Female Victims of Sexual Assault (Helena)

Center staff

Dr. Renat Raines Karmel – Senior gynecologist and Director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room.

Ms. Nirit Sharabi, social worker – Coordinator of the Social Services aspect.

Ms. Maya Sapir – Acting Head Nurse of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room.

Managerial responsibility: Gynecology and Obstetrics Wing

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About the center

The Center for Treatment of Male and Female Victims of Sexual Assault employs a multidisciplinary staff to help victims of sexual assault.


The Center was established to provide the best and most caring, speedy, and professional solution for women, men, adolescents, girls, and boys, who have been sexually assaulted.


The Center helps those who come after any kind of sexual assault, usually up to three days after the incident, although sometimes it can be even a week later or even longer if required. Regarding proof which can help bring the attacker to justice, time is of the essence. Therefore, it is important to turn to the Center as soon as possible, without changing clothes and before showering. The time which has passed from the incident is also significant regarding a physical examination and providing preventative and effective treatment for STDs.


The Center is open 24 hours a day. It is situated in a designated, intimate room in the area of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room. The multidisciplinary staff includes a social worker who provides emotional guidance regarding the incident and also makes contact between the victim and the appropriate authorities, including the police if the victim so wishes, as well as those offering further treatment and help.


The nurse and senior doctor are responsible for the forensic (evidential) tests to locate injuries, wounds, and the possibility of discovering the attacker’s DNA, and a general physical examination to find bleeding, infection, etc.


If needed, and in accordance with the senior doctor’s decision, treatment will be given to prevent pregnancy and STD infections.


Children under the age of 15 will be examined by a pediatrician who has specialized in this field.


The staff at the Center have undergone specialized training, and additional professionals will be brought in if needed, such as a psychiatrist, surgeon, and orthopedist.


Later, and as needed, additional sessions will be held at the Gynecology Clinic for follow-up, receiving test results and treatment, and follow-up with a social worker and the Infectious Diseases Clinic.

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Useful information

How to come

Visits to the Helena Center and the follow-up clinic are fully funded by the Ministry of Health, and the patient will not be required to present a referral letter or financial commitment form from the medical insurer (Form 17).


Visits to the Center are confidential, as are all the details provided. No one outside the Helena Center has access to the data.


The Center can be accessed in a number of ways:

1. Turning to the police, and coming to the Center at the hospital by prior arrangement.

2. Victims from various institutions in the area coming to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room by prior arrangement.

3. Arriving directly at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room.



Coming to the Center does not obligate someone to submit a complaint to the police. The staff who will accompany the victim will explain to her/ him the various options they have, without judgment or persuasion, and support any decision. Should someone decide to submit a complaint at a later date, they will still have the right to do so.


Contact can be made with the Center by telephone (24/7) at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Room, 04-7748206, or email [email protected]


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